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活動 mis - 校園活動報導 | 2024-06-17 | 點閱數: 348

#Write for Rights

In a world where the pen is mightier than the sword, there lies an incredible force for change within each of us—our ability to write. The "Write for Rights" campaign is a rallying cry to channel the transformative power of words into advocacy for human rights. We are so proud that our students could be part of the driving force to change the world. Also, their writing skills are impressive and thier arguments are persuasive. Let's join the campaign and make the world a better place. ❤️‍????


感謝陳宗宏老師帶領7年級學生參與寫信馬拉松活動,為這冷冽的寒冬帶來一股暖流,也感謝英文老師Hans, Molly以及外師Jason, Nicole, Vennessa的協助,讓學生能以流利的英文為受到酷刑、騷擾或不公正監禁所苦的人們發聲!文字的力量是偉大的,我們的一句話,一封信都可能為別人帶來希望,改變一個人的命運!Write a letter, change a life!????